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One of your weekly mini-assignments will be to make a list of the top ten media

stories internationally and in Canada. These lists will be condensed and a selection

will be used to form the themes for the group project web sites.


Select a top news media story for the theme of your website:

  • Missing & Murdered Indigenous Women & Girls

  • Refugee Crisis

  • 2015 Canadian Election

  • 2016 USA Election

  • Black Lives Matter

  • Surveillance (ie, Edward Snowden)

  • Precarious Work


Research Groups and Sub-topics

You will self-organize into groups with five members and each group will choose a general topic from the list above. You will meet regularly during and outside of class times, to focus the topic, select the sub-topics for each member, organize/design the web site presentation integrating each member’s sub-topic into the general theme and prepare a bibliography. The bibliography or citation will be a separate page on your website.


Research Objective & Annotated Bibliography submitted by email. Due Monday February 20th.

Each group member will write a 250-word research objective focused on the content of their sub-topic theme; also, a 250-word summary of research plans (ie, steps to accomplish the website); and an annotated bibliography of five bibliographic sources that best represent the research you will undertake. Each annotation should be approximately 200 words. (Citations are always single-spaced. Annotations can be double-spaced. Check MLA style). 


Choose a sample sub-topic media theme for your individual research:

Dominant culture; Visual culture; Celebrity culture; Activist culture; Social media culture; etc. 


DRAFT Web Site due Monday March 20. Final Website has been extended to Monday April 3.

Each group will make a web site to represent their research findings. The website must include both visuals and text. The draft web sites will be presented in class; and, followed with a final web presentation in class. DO NOT simply PRESENT THE RESEARCH MATERIALS—instead synthesize the material into a coherent original web presentation.



This is a GROUP project, and will be marked as such, with 15% falling on the group performance, cohesion, etc. and 10% on individuals (including the Research Objective & Annotated Bibliography assignment due Feb 27) - this project is 25% of your final mark. If a member of the group is not doing their share of work as a GROUP member, they will be marked entirely separately. 


Group Project: Website Themes

Social Movements and the Media

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